The 1st online pre Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project #EARS (Educational Agreement as a Response to School Dropout), was held on 24nd of January 2022.

The 1st online pre Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+project #EARS (Educational Agreement as a Response to School Dropout), was held on 24nd of January 2022.
Participating in a project like this that aims to integrate various actions to combat premature school dropout will allow us to create an impact in this regard. The project is based on a previous application that was developed, tested and executed within the "Community Educational Pact" (Peco) in the Southeast District of Basso Ferrarese, northern Italy.
Countries like Spain (26.5%), Portugal (23.2%) and Malta (33.5%) have high premature dropout rates, while countries like Italy (18.2%) and Romania (17.5%)%) are constantly moving above the European average.
It was also an opportunity to get to know each other better and determine the upcoming activities in the project. Moreover we got acquainted with AdminProject, a tool that is going to be used for the project management and other project work.
More details about the project coming soon!